
January Morning Star

From the Senior Warden
Christmas Eve services are always beautiful and meaningful; however, our service this year went above and beyond the usual. The church was magnificently decorated with the greens, the candles, and the garland. The poinsettias were abundant and were a stunning backdrop. READ MORE

Praying the Daily Office

At the heart of Anglican spirituality is prayer. Prayer affords us a personal connection with the Divine. When we pray, we talk with God. This serves an endless list of needs, and provides an endless list of benefits. If you’ve been seeking a way to fit more prayer into your daily life, the practice of praying the Daily Office – morning and evening prayer – can be a fantastic way to build a habit of prayer.

“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” ~ 1 Chronicles 16:11

Resources for Praying the Daily Office:

Mission St. Clare provides full Morning and Evening Prayer services – complete with hymns – on their website, and in an app available for both iOS and Android. Their website also lists other offices, including Noonday and Compline (bedtime,) as well as prayer books, devotionals, and lectionaries.

The Lectionary Page offers a complete lectionary, in calendar view, with links to the lessons for Sundays and Major Holy Days, from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).