Our Mission is to be an inclusive fellowship, growing in the Holy Spirit, nurturing the burdened and the joyous, reaching out to our communities and to God’s world.
Our vision as a parish is our iconic red doors open for growth and renewal, where we find ourselves and others transformed.
At Saint Peter’s all people are welcome to worship with us. We are a community of people on a common pilgrimage of spiritual exploration and worship.
Founded in 1855, Saint Peter’s is a Parish, or self-supporting congregation, of the The Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, a regional community of Christians in Northern Illinois within the wider life of The Episcopal Church. In the Diocese of Chicago we are led by our Bishop-elect, the Reverend Paula Clark.
For those looking for more meaning and deepened spirituality, the Episcopal Church offers honest and unconditional acceptance, which removes barriers to Jesus Christ and permits belonging to an authentic church community.
The Episcopal Church has historical roots in the Church of England, and is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The teachings of the Episcopal Church are grounded in Holy Scripture, and in worship and theology from the earliest centuries of the Church’s history, tempered with the insights of the English Reformation and the contemporary theological movements of the present day. Our Anglican tradition balances the need for a common creed and worship with the value and diversity of individual judgement, experience, and understanding. Our worship is very similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church, but our theology also incorporates the best aspects of the Protestant tradition. Learn more about the Episcopal faith on our About the Episcopal Church page.